Archive for the ‘Nuviderm Works’ Category

Tattoo Removal in Winter – Do it!

February 15, 2010
Tattoo Removal in Winter

Factoid – Statistics show that more people begin a tattoo removal in spring and summer than fall or winter. That’s like always eating immediately after brushing your teeth, it’s backwards.

Cool weather tattoo removal is more comfortable and the treated area is more likely to be covered so no one can see the removal of a tattoo underneath all those warm clothes. That gives the added  advantage of not exposing the treated area to UV radiation from the sun, which is prudent no matter what tattoo remover you happen to be using. Any tattoo removal product that actually works, (and there are plenty that don’t – usually creams), will interfere with skin pigment formation and make the treated area more susceptible to the harmful effects of UV radiation on the treated area. In many cases this can lead to hyperpigmentation or a darkening of the treated area relative to the surrounding skin.

Removing a tattoo in hot weather is more uncomfortable because with each  treatment there must be a healing period which can include peeling of the skin which can cause itching.  Hot, itchy, sweaty skin can drive a person nuts. An itch preventative can be applied, but the sweat will make the application difficult and shorten the duration of the effectiveness because it will be diluted with salty sweat.

In cooler weather the non itch medication will stay in place and provide much more relief.

Chafing is another problem in hot weather. If the removal location is in an area prone to chafe it just adds to the discomfort. A protective bandage can be used to prevent chafing in fall or winter, but in summer bandages are more likely to become unstuck and expose the area to chafing.

When considering the removal of a tattoo, common sense is a very important factor to achieving an effective and comfortable tattoo removal treatment. Do your homework. Choose your product and start the treatment when the weather begins to cool and your tattoo removal experience will have a higher chance of success because you will experience less discomfort, and believe me, any tattoo removal product that works comes with some discomfort.

Any tattoo removal product or method that promises an easy treatment with no discomfort is selling you a load of you know what. Think about it – how is it possible to remove tattoo pigment embedded in the dermis (second layer of skin) without experiencing any discomfort? As they say, if it sounds to good to be true it probably isn’t. They might as well be trying to sell you land for $1 an acre 100 miles south of New Orleans. The land is there, they just neglect to tell you it’s  200 feet beneath the  Gulf of Mexico.

To modify an old saying: Beware of strangers selling tattoo removal creams – you’re about to be screwed.


Nuviderm and TattooNow

November 30, 2009

Nuviderm Tattoo Removal

As everyone knows, this is a blog about tattoo removal, specifically about the use of Nuviderm to remove a tattoo at a reasonable cost with a high degree of success – if you follow instructions –  instead of  using laser tattoo removal. In the course of every day we talk to people about their tattoos and sometimes we speak with tattoo artists about various matters related to tattoo application and removal.

Recently we spoke with Mary and Gabe who run Tattoonow in Easthampton, Massachusetts. They run  Tattoonow as a tattoo shop, but they also have a website, where they display their work  and the work of other tattoo artists and they have some of the finest artwork we’ve ever seen. They have formed associations with some of the finest tattoo artists in the world.

One thing we liked about the way they operate is from time to time they will bring in a laser tattoo removal technician with a machine so their customers can remove a piece they no longer like for a replacement piece or cover up. Some people just want to “clean the canvas” in a particular location with out replacing what was there.

We like the way they operate and the integrity of  their beliefs and the way they run their website and other tattoo related endeavors which include hosting tattoo conventions or gatherings where they provide seminars, workshops, discussion panels and, of course, custom tattooing.

Responsible tattoo education is the aim of the gatherings.

They’re last one, the Paradise Tattoo Gathering ran  Sept 17 – 20 in Hancock, Massachusetts .

When considering getting a tattoo always remember:

  • Make sure you like the design
  • Tattoo pigment is “permanent” and very difficult to remove
  • Check out your artists’ resume to make sure the skills are there
  • Make sure the tattoo shop is clean and proper protocols are followed

If you get tired of your tattoo and want to remove it you should:

  • Use laser if you can afford the cost
  • Make sure the laser clinic has state of the art equipment that can remove the pigment colors of your tattoo in a reasonable number of sessions
  • Use Nuviderm tattoo removal if you can’t afford laser
  • Read and follow instructions for a successful tattoo removal

Nuviderm reviews says checkout for great body art and for effective, affordable tattoo removal use Nuviderm.

Nuviderm works.

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Using Temporary Tattoos

November 16, 2009
Mona Lisa's Rear

Example of a top quality airbrushed temporary tattoo

Temporary tattoos that are applied with water fade after a few days.  Usually, these are applied to children for fun  or adults who may want to try wearing a temporary tattoo before going for the real thing. Some can look quite real and can give a hint as to what reactions they will generate from  friends or family members. This might be a better way to go for some people before getting a real tattoo to lessen the risk  of going through a real tattoo removal at some later date. Removing a tattoo is not something that anyone wants to do if they can avoid it.

Most temporary tattoos contain cosmetically approved additives approved for use on the skin, but in the past, alerts have been issued for foreign made  temporary tattoos because they are not labeled with a mandated ingredient list. Also, past imports of henna products for skin use have been banned because of no mandated labels. Henna is approved for use as a hair dye and not as a skin dye for tattoos. Black and blue  henna are somewhat suspect since natural henna normally produces a reddish brown tint. These black “henna” tattoos contain p-phenylenediamine other wise known as coal tar and are unsafe for long term contact with skin, especially children.

Always make sure  any temporary tattoo given to your kids comes in a package printed with a list of ingredients. We don’t want something fun for the kids to be harmful.

As for the ingredients that go into making real tattoo pigment,  always ask the shop owner or artist giving you the tat what’s in the pigment. These days there is usually nothing to worry about, but it never hurts to be safe. Red pigments are the most likely to cause an allergic reaction which could necessitate a removal depending on the severity of the reaction.

Nuviderm provides an effective and affordable method of real tattoo removal and is a low cost tattoo removal alternative to laser.

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Nuviderm Reviews – Temporary Tattoos for Halloween

October 21, 2009
Temporary Halloween Tattoos

Temporary Halloween Tattoos

Temporary tattoos that are applied with water fade after a few days.  Usually, these are applied to children for fun  or adults who may want to try wearing a temporary tattoo before going for the real thing. Some can look quite real and can give a hint as to what reactions they will generate from  friends or family members.

Most contain cosmetically approved additives approved for use on the skin, but in the past, alerts have been issued for foreign made  temporary tattoos because they are not labeled with a mandated ingredient list. Also, past imports of henna products for skin use have been banned because of no mandated labels. Henna is approved for use as a hair dye and not as a skin dye for tattoos. Black and blue  henna are somewhat suspect since natural henna normally produces a reddish brown tint. These black “henna” tattoos contain p-phenylenediamine other wise known as coal tar and are unsafe for long term contact with skin, especially children.

Always make sure  any temporary tattoo given to your kids comes in a package printed with a list of ingredients. We don’t want something fun for the kids to be harmful.

As for the ingredients that go into making real tattoo pigment,  always ask the shop owner or artist giving you the tat what’s in the pigment. These days there is usually nothing to worry about, but it never hurts to be safe.


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Nuviderm – Does It Work?

October 19, 2009
Nuviderm Tattoo Removal

Nuviderm Tattoo Removal

Tattoo removal has come a long way in the last 10 years, there have been some advancements and there have been more than a few steps backwards.

The advances include greatly improved laser tattoo removal techniques, IPL, tattoo displacement products such as Rejuvi and refinement in the use of TCA products like Nuviderm.

Backward steps include the so called tattoo removal creams or gels that do nothing but fade skin pigment and what I would refer to lateral moves, not forward and not backward. Those would include the products that combine tattoo removal creams with exfoliation. The exfoliation is an improvement on just rubbing a skin fade cream onto your skin but  exfoliation isn’t the most efficient way to remove a tattoo. I would compare it to ocean waves pounding into the shear rock cliffs of some island in the Pacific Ocean. Eventually that rock will be worn down to sand and create a nice sandy beach, but who has time to wait for that to happen?.

When TCA was first medically tested as a possible method of tattoo removal the techniques the Doctors used were not nearly as refined as current techniques. Over the past few years the satisfaction rate for TCA has risen to about 93% of all users. That’s not perfect , but it does prove there is an in home tattoo removal product that is being used successfully every day by people just like you. One ounce of Nuviderm has the tattoo removal power of $750 – $1,000 worth of laser treatments. In times like these that’s a significant cost savings. Plus, Nuviderm is guaranteed…but not all laser removal clinics guarantee their work.

Nuviderm works, it’s guaranteed and it puts you in control of your tattoo removal process. What more could you want?


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Nuviderm At Home Tattoo Removal: Fade Cream Review

September 14, 2009

Tattoo removal creams contain chemicals that are typically used to treat uneven facial pigment, age spots and other skin pigment problems. According to this site, which duplicates the ingredients found in  this product it is also used to lighten more intimate areas of the body that we didn’t know needed fading. Skin fade products mild enough to fade sex organs do not have the ability to fade or remove tattoo ink which is much deeper than skin pigment. People have used these creams and gels, many of which contain Hydroquinone, in an attempt to fade tattoos, but they have wasted both their time and their money.

Tattoo Removal Creams/Gels –  Pros

  • None

Tattoo Removal Creams/Gels –  Cons

  • Many of these products contain Hydroquinone which is believed to be carcinogenic. Use of this chemical has been banned in many European and Asian countries.
  • Some Hydroquinone-based creams are available in the U.S. by prescription only.
  • Long-term use of hydroquinone  for tattoo removal in not recommended.
  • The newly developed tattoo removal creams and gels do absolutely nothing unless used in conjunction with dermabrasion and dermabrasion doesn’t need a cream to work. It is an entirely different method of tattoo removal.

Tattoo Removal Alternatives

  • Laser Tattoo Removal
  • Dermabrasion/Salabrasion – again, dermabrasion is its own tattoo removal method – no cream/gel necessary
  • Excision
  • Nuviderm (TCA-based Chemical Removal)

Before deciding to use a tattoo removal cream, make sure you thoroughly understand the risks as well as the alternate technologies available. Understanding what works and what doesn’t work will prevent wasted time and money and in times like these you want to make sure you are not spending money on a product that promises more than it can possibly deliver.

Nuviderm is proven to remove tattoo pigment in two independent medical studies. If there was such a study for any cream the manufacturers of  the cream would be promoting the study on their websites and sales literature.

Try Nuviderm.

Nuviderm works.

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Nuviderm Reviews – Radio Frequency Identification Tattoo Ink

September 11, 2009
A tattoo removal necessity - tattoo ink capable of radio transmission

A tattoo removal necessity - tattoo ink capable of radio transmission

While we’ve all been sleeping, Big Brother, also known as Somark Innovations has developed a biocompatible tattoo ink capable of Radio Frequency transmissions. Currently this new ink is capable of transmitting limited amounts of information up to 4 feet away. The ink is invisible or colored, doesn’t contain any metals, is chemically inert and 100% biocompatible. It is not known if this product can be removed using standard tattoo removal practices such as laser tattoo removal or Nuviderm tattoo removal.

The process involves a geometric array of micro-needles and reusable applicator with a one time use capsule. It takes about 10 seconds to apply to the dermis, or second layer of skin, where it will reside for the life of the individual human or animal.

Currently, it is being marketed for use on farm animals to be used instead of branding or ear tagging and can track the animal as it moves through the food chain to your grill making it easier to backtrack cases of mad cow disease or identify stolen cattle. It will also be available for pets so they can be more easily reunited with their owners should they become lost and picked up by the local pound or animal rescue group.

It is currently being considered for military personnel because as the technology develops and the tracking distance increases the ink could be used to track and rescue combat troops. It could help identify friends or foes, prevent friendly fire mishaps and help save soldiers lives.

Big Brother will love this stuff.

I can just see local, state and federal governments getting their hands on a more  fully developed version of this radio transmitting tattoo ink at some time in the future when the transmission distance  has increased to, oh, let’s say a mile or more. Future generations might be tattooed at birth and  tracked by the powers that be until the day they die. Wives could track husbands and parents could track their teenage kids whenever they wanted.

Just in case that happens you need to buy a few bottles of  Nuviderm tattoo removal now to pass down to your grand kids. They’ll appreciate it and so will we.  ; )

Nuviderm works!

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Tattoo Removal – Managing Expectations

September 10, 2009

Tattoo removal reality tortoise vs. Tattoo removal expectations hare

Tattoo removal reality tortoise vs. Tattoo removal expectations hare

If you’re looking for a one-visit solution to tattoo removal you need to adjust to the reality of a longer term tattoo removal process. Expectations of easy tattoo removal often leads to giving up without really trying.  Cold steel surgery, which involves removing the tattoo using a scalpel to physically cut it out of your arm, leg, chest, breast or wherever it’s located, is the only way to wake up with a tattoo and go to bed at the end of the day without one.

But what if the idea of having local anesthesia injected into some sensitive part of your body with a hypodermic needle, followed by someone slicing and cutting through multiple layers of skin with a sharp object bothers you? You have a safe and mostly painless alternative.

Nuviderm, the chemical-based liquid is formulated from the same substance that is currently used to treat acne scars and to perform beautifying face peels every day.

But while Nuviderm will remove or severely fade your tattoo, regardless of the colored pigments used, it doesn’t happen overnight.

When you received your tattoo the ink was injected into the second layer of skin, that’s what makes it permanent. You must first peel through the 1st layer of skin which takes 3 to 5 treatment cycles with each cycle lasting for 3 to 6 weeks.

Once you have peeled through the 1st layer you will begin peeling out the ink in the second layer of skin one thin layer at a time until the tattoo has faded enough for a cover up or is completely gone. The entire process usually takes several months. There is no fast way to remove a tattoo, even Laser removal takes several months.

Dermal abrasion and most other solutions take just as long, or longer, and come with far too many risks (and pain) to suit most people.

Best of all, with Nuviderm, you can do it all yourself! Each order comes with complete and easy-to-understand instructions. And no matter how thoroughly you search through the package, you won’t find any sharp objects!

Check out Nuviderm. It’s rapidly becoming the preferred solution to removing tattoos.

Have more questions about tattoo removal expectations? Find the answers here.

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Nuviderm Tattoo Removal vs. Laser

September 9, 2009
A Nuviderm Faded Tattoo Compared to a Laser Faded Tattoo

A Nuviderm Faded Tattoo Compared to a Laser Faded Tattoo

Today’s blog records an individuals 7th laser tattoo removal treatment using her own words and photographs to describe what it’s like to undergo laser treatment for the removal of  a tattoo.

We begin the story on the day of the 7th session with a photo of the tattoo after 6 previous laser treatments followed by comments and photos of the tattoo after the seventh session.

The reason for showing a laser removal on a blog that advocates the removal of tattoos with Nuviderm TCA is for the purpose of comparison. A laser beam creates a severe burn, reaching temperatures up to 900 degrees Fahrenheit in the dermis and surrounding tissue, not a pleasant feeling. It literally creates a micro explosion when the laser beam strikes the tattoo pigment. That’s why, as you read the story below, the young lady is concerned that the topical pain killer applied before the procedure has not had enough time to fully deaden the skin before the procedure begins.

By comparison, Nuviderm gradually peels thin layers of skin beginning with the epidermis, or top layer of skin, down to the dermis, or second layer of skin, where the ink pigment resides. It doesn’t involve the pain of laser removal and it is certainly far cheaper. A one ounce bottle of Nuviderm has the ink removing power of $750 – $1000.00 or more of laser treatments and costs $39.95. Nuviderm can sometimes blister the skin and itch like crazy as the skin peels away, but that is nothing compared to what you are about see and read in the story below.

Laser is the high tech way of removing a tattoo so people naturally assume the high cost means it’s better, safer, less painful, less likely to leave a scar and more likely to work. Well, on all counts the preceding statement is wrong because, as we all know, sometimes the best way to get something done is also the simplest and least expensive.

“On Friday at 5pm I had my seventh tattoo removal appointment. I was a little nervous because the numbing cream had not been on my skin for as long as usual. She was extra punctual this time and I had been counting on those extra 15 – 20 minutes in the waiting room. Sure enough, it hurt a lot more this time than last time. Above is my first tattoo, which I got in 1993. I have never been happy with it. I always had a different vision for it and it never looked like I wanted it to. My dislike for this tattoo is what initiated my reconsideration of having any tattoos at all. This is how it looked on Friday during my lunch break, a few hours before the seventh treatment”.“This is Friday night. After the laser, the tattoo gets a thick coat of triple antibiotic ointment, then a cold pack, then a wrap. This photo was taken at home after the ice pack melted. The ankle tattoo always blisters pretty badly. I think its the location. None of the other tattoos blister like that and I am quite thankful. It’s really nasty and sensitive. This photo was taken just when I was going to remove the wrap and noticed some ooze. I figured you’d want to see it, so…

“This is how it looked Saturday. Know what I did on Saturday? Worked. Eight hours of overtime. It was actually kind of fun because the guy I share an office with wasn’t there so Alex let me borrow his small speakers and I played music all day. It was kind of great. I got a lot done.”

“The next tattoo photo is pretty gross, so to lessen the impact, please take a few moments to view this photo of Porro from this morning. I was sitting on the edge of the bed, ready to apply some ointment to the tattoos, and I noticed him next to me having a bath. He paused momentarily to allow me a photo. See how sweet?”

“This is the gross photo! That’s a large-ish blister in the center and it is surrounded by smaller, less threatening blisters. I say the center blister is large-ish because you haven’t seen what they looked like before! I hope to post photos of the earlier treatments to track progress but I have to first organize the photos on my computer. Yes, they were big and nasty. This is still how it looks right now, approximately 53 hours after the treatment. The blisters will gradually go down and the outer layer of skin gets dry and rough. Then it peels off, revealing a fresh faded tattoo. I’ll post more photos in a week or so. Ready…set…go!”


Nuviderm Review from a satisfied customer :I appreciate it so much. I didn’t have to do anything …I wrote, and Nuviderm all did the rest!! You have

Camber L.

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Laser Tattoo Removal Credit-Original Post

Tattoos and Summer Holidays

September 3, 2009
Good Tattoo Location

Good Tattoo Location

Here it is early September and next Monday will be the first Monday of September, traditionally celebrated as Labor Day. It signals the end of summer and getting back into a regular routine, whatever that may be for you.  There will be friends over, firing up the grill, having a few beers and maybe even a tattoo for those so inclined.

If you’re thinking of getting a tattoo make sure it is something you like, something you love, because it will be there when you go to your grave unless you decide on a tattoo removal at some point.

Make sure it is in a location you can live with. If you think you want a tattoo, are not quite sure, but are going to have  one planted anyway be sure to put it somewhere that is easily covered with clothing, including short sleeve shirts and shorts. That way if you later develop a case of tattoo regret at least no one, other than those who see you shirtless or pant less, will be able to see the thing.

Take the advice from someone who’s been there. You can express a certain feeling or a specific expression of individuality in a private location and receive just as much satisfaction knowing it’s there without the whole world seeing it.

If at some point you want a tattoo removal then no one will know about that either.

It’s a win/win in my book and those are the best kind.

Nuviderm review of the preceding …. 2 thumbs up!

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