Posts Tagged ‘nuviderm tca’

Tattoo Removal in Winter – Do it!

February 15, 2010
Tattoo Removal in Winter

Factoid – Statistics show that more people begin a tattoo removal in spring and summer than fall or winter. That’s like always eating immediately after brushing your teeth, it’s backwards.

Cool weather tattoo removal is more comfortable and the treated area is more likely to be covered so no one can see the removal of a tattoo underneath all those warm clothes. That gives the added  advantage of not exposing the treated area to UV radiation from the sun, which is prudent no matter what tattoo remover you happen to be using. Any tattoo removal product that actually works, (and there are plenty that don’t – usually creams), will interfere with skin pigment formation and make the treated area more susceptible to the harmful effects of UV radiation on the treated area. In many cases this can lead to hyperpigmentation or a darkening of the treated area relative to the surrounding skin.

Removing a tattoo in hot weather is more uncomfortable because with each  treatment there must be a healing period which can include peeling of the skin which can cause itching.  Hot, itchy, sweaty skin can drive a person nuts. An itch preventative can be applied, but the sweat will make the application difficult and shorten the duration of the effectiveness because it will be diluted with salty sweat.

In cooler weather the non itch medication will stay in place and provide much more relief.

Chafing is another problem in hot weather. If the removal location is in an area prone to chafe it just adds to the discomfort. A protective bandage can be used to prevent chafing in fall or winter, but in summer bandages are more likely to become unstuck and expose the area to chafing.

When considering the removal of a tattoo, common sense is a very important factor to achieving an effective and comfortable tattoo removal treatment. Do your homework. Choose your product and start the treatment when the weather begins to cool and your tattoo removal experience will have a higher chance of success because you will experience less discomfort, and believe me, any tattoo removal product that works comes with some discomfort.

Any tattoo removal product or method that promises an easy treatment with no discomfort is selling you a load of you know what. Think about it – how is it possible to remove tattoo pigment embedded in the dermis (second layer of skin) without experiencing any discomfort? As they say, if it sounds to good to be true it probably isn’t. They might as well be trying to sell you land for $1 an acre 100 miles south of New Orleans. The land is there, they just neglect to tell you it’s  200 feet beneath the  Gulf of Mexico.

To modify an old saying: Beware of strangers selling tattoo removal creams – you’re about to be screwed.


Nuviderm Tattoo Removal vs. Laser

September 9, 2009
A Nuviderm Faded Tattoo Compared to a Laser Faded Tattoo

A Nuviderm Faded Tattoo Compared to a Laser Faded Tattoo

Today’s blog records an individuals 7th laser tattoo removal treatment using her own words and photographs to describe what it’s like to undergo laser treatment for the removal of  a tattoo.

We begin the story on the day of the 7th session with a photo of the tattoo after 6 previous laser treatments followed by comments and photos of the tattoo after the seventh session.

The reason for showing a laser removal on a blog that advocates the removal of tattoos with Nuviderm TCA is for the purpose of comparison. A laser beam creates a severe burn, reaching temperatures up to 900 degrees Fahrenheit in the dermis and surrounding tissue, not a pleasant feeling. It literally creates a micro explosion when the laser beam strikes the tattoo pigment. That’s why, as you read the story below, the young lady is concerned that the topical pain killer applied before the procedure has not had enough time to fully deaden the skin before the procedure begins.

By comparison, Nuviderm gradually peels thin layers of skin beginning with the epidermis, or top layer of skin, down to the dermis, or second layer of skin, where the ink pigment resides. It doesn’t involve the pain of laser removal and it is certainly far cheaper. A one ounce bottle of Nuviderm has the ink removing power of $750 – $1000.00 or more of laser treatments and costs $39.95. Nuviderm can sometimes blister the skin and itch like crazy as the skin peels away, but that is nothing compared to what you are about see and read in the story below.

Laser is the high tech way of removing a tattoo so people naturally assume the high cost means it’s better, safer, less painful, less likely to leave a scar and more likely to work. Well, on all counts the preceding statement is wrong because, as we all know, sometimes the best way to get something done is also the simplest and least expensive.

“On Friday at 5pm I had my seventh tattoo removal appointment. I was a little nervous because the numbing cream had not been on my skin for as long as usual. She was extra punctual this time and I had been counting on those extra 15 – 20 minutes in the waiting room. Sure enough, it hurt a lot more this time than last time. Above is my first tattoo, which I got in 1993. I have never been happy with it. I always had a different vision for it and it never looked like I wanted it to. My dislike for this tattoo is what initiated my reconsideration of having any tattoos at all. This is how it looked on Friday during my lunch break, a few hours before the seventh treatment”.“This is Friday night. After the laser, the tattoo gets a thick coat of triple antibiotic ointment, then a cold pack, then a wrap. This photo was taken at home after the ice pack melted. The ankle tattoo always blisters pretty badly. I think its the location. None of the other tattoos blister like that and I am quite thankful. It’s really nasty and sensitive. This photo was taken just when I was going to remove the wrap and noticed some ooze. I figured you’d want to see it, so…

“This is how it looked Saturday. Know what I did on Saturday? Worked. Eight hours of overtime. It was actually kind of fun because the guy I share an office with wasn’t there so Alex let me borrow his small speakers and I played music all day. It was kind of great. I got a lot done.”

“The next tattoo photo is pretty gross, so to lessen the impact, please take a few moments to view this photo of Porro from this morning. I was sitting on the edge of the bed, ready to apply some ointment to the tattoos, and I noticed him next to me having a bath. He paused momentarily to allow me a photo. See how sweet?”

“This is the gross photo! That’s a large-ish blister in the center and it is surrounded by smaller, less threatening blisters. I say the center blister is large-ish because you haven’t seen what they looked like before! I hope to post photos of the earlier treatments to track progress but I have to first organize the photos on my computer. Yes, they were big and nasty. This is still how it looks right now, approximately 53 hours after the treatment. The blisters will gradually go down and the outer layer of skin gets dry and rough. Then it peels off, revealing a fresh faded tattoo. I’ll post more photos in a week or so. Ready…set…go!”


Nuviderm Review from a satisfied customer :I appreciate it so much. I didn’t have to do anything …I wrote, and Nuviderm all did the rest!! You have

Camber L.

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Laser Tattoo Removal Credit-Original Post

Nuviderm Reviews – Tattoo Pigment Allergies

August 27, 2009
Nuviderm reviews allergies to tattoo pigments

Nuviderm reviews allergies to tattoo pigments

Inflammatory reactions sometimes result from the tissue injury that is necessary for the formation of a tattoo when the pigment is injected into the selected location for the body art. The inflammation  usually recedes without further incident within 2 – 3 weeks and is an expected reaction of your bodys’ immune system to the tattooing process.

Once the initial immune system response has settled down , the most frequent reaction observed  is an allergic sensitivity to one of the pigments used in the formation of the tattoo. These reactions evolve in many different ways and include granulomas, which are a ball-like collection of immune cells which form when the immune system attempts to wall off substances that it perceives as foreign but is unable to eliminate. Spongiotic dermatitis which causes itching and redness on the skin. The  cause is related to allergic reactions to pigments used in the tattoo. Another sign of  allergic sensitivity is Lichen planus,  an abnormal immune reaction provoked by a viral infection or sensitivity to a specific tattoo pigment. Inflammatory cells seem to mistake the skin cells as foreign and attack them.

Usually, allergic reactions to a tattoo pigment are contact dermatitis and photoallergic dermatitis, meaning a sensitivity to artificial and natural light, but most commonly to natural sunlight.

Allergic reactions to red tattoo pigments are the most common and may be caused by a variety of pigments, especially mercury sulfide. Alternative red vegetable dyes have been developed because of the problems associated with red tattoo pigment containing mercury; however, red tattoo reactions continue to be reported although with much less frequency.

Light sensitivity is commonly caused by yellow (cadmium sulfide) tattoo pigment. Swelling and redness may develop with exposure to sunlight. Although the reason is not clear, cadmium sulfide is the light-sensitive material used in photoelectric cells; therefore, the reaction is believed to be phototoxic. Red tattoos are sometimes associated with light sensitivity because of trace amounts of cadmium added to brighten the red pigment.

Pigments used to create green, blue, and black tattoos are much less common.

Blue tattoos that contain cobalt sometimes experience allergic  reactions which can rarely develop into inflammation of the middle layer of the eye called uveitis. Uveitis is a condition that can be treated with steroid eye drops, tablets or injections.

So, aside from tattoo regret, whatever the cause, allergic reactions to tattoo pigment should be taken into consideration when getting a tattoo. Always ask about pigment ingredients and only use the services of clean, reputable tattoo shops and artists.

If you decide it’s time for a removal be sure to consider Nuviderm, the easy, effective and affordable alternative to laser tattoo removal.


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Nuviderm Reviews – Tattoo Pigments -Part 2

August 26, 2009

Nuviderm reviews tattoo pigments  - a solid waiting for the liquid "carrier"

Nuviderm reviews tattoo pigments - a solid waiting for the liquid "carrier"

Have you ever noticed that not one single company that markets a tattoo removal product ever mentions what tattoo pigments are actually composed of ? Could it be that they know their product will not remove these pigments and therefore  don’t want to bring up the subject?

Here is something all women can relate to – how the new fingernail polishes, when correctly applied, can last a very long time and require finger nail polish remover (acetone), which is a powerful solvent, to remove the paint pigment? Sure, the finger nail paint may chip or scratch ,but if left alone it would be there for a very long time.

You may have guessed where this is going – the pigments in fingernail polish and tattoo ink are sometimes made of the same thing. Epoxy finger nail polishes are a form of plastic and many tattoo pigments are a plastic base held in liquid suspension for easy injection into the skin. Plastic tattoo pigments have become popular because of their vibrancy under the skin and resistance to fading by sunlight.

Do you think rubbing a tattoo removal cream on your fingernail polish would remove or even dull the finish? Heck no, wouldn’t happen unless the cream had a grit in it and then you are basically slowly sanding the paint off. It would still take quite a while to remove the old paint before you could put on a fresh coat.

The same goes with rubbing tattoo removal cream on your skin to remove tattoo pigment that is deposited BELOW your skin. For the cream to work you must also exfoliate with a gritty cream or use an exfoliation pad or a powered exfoliate of some kind. The exfoliate does the work while the cream may work to fade only your skin pigment – not tattoo pigment.

As I’ve heard said before, you could just skip the cream and simply exfoliate until the tattoo pigment begins to fade and that will take a very long time, longer than Laser,IPL or Nuviderm. As a matter of fact you’ll have several birthdays before you’ve accomplished you goal.

Below is a list of common tattoo pigments, many of the same pigments used in house paint, car paint and yes, fingernail polish.  After you read the list ask yourself how a tattoo fade cream could remove iron oxide, cadmium oxide, copper, aluminum silicate,  titanium oxide or any of the other minerals and chemicals on the list. Even laser and IPL have a hard time removing the whites, blues and greens, but Nuviderm can remove them all because it is a chemical peel, plus it costs hundreds maybe thousands of dollars less than laser or ipl.

Visit for more information.

The Composition of  Common  Tattoo Pigments

  • RED:  cadmium red, iron oxide, or napthol. “Iron oxide is also known as common rust. Cadmium pigments are highly toxic. Fewer reactions have been reported with naphthol red than the other pigments.
  • BLACK:  of iron oxides, carbon. Magnetite crystals, powdered jet and soot. Black pigment is commonly made into India ink. Logwood, found in Central America and the West Indies.”

  • GREEN: chromium oxide , Malachite, Ferrocyanides, Ferricyanides,  Monoazo pigment, Cu/Al phthalocyanine, or Cu phthalocyanine.
  • YELLOW: made of cadmium yellow, ochres, chrome yellow, or disazodiarylide. Reactions are commonly associated with yellow pigments because more pigment is needed to achieve  bright color.”
  • BROWNS: made of ochre. Ochre is composed of iron  oxides mixed and clay.  When dehydrated , ochre changes to a reddish color.”
  • ORANGE: made of disazodiarylide, disazopyrazolone, or cadmium seleno-sulfide.
  • BLUE: cobalt blue, or Cu-phtalocyanine. Blue pigments from minerals include copper  carbonate , sodium aluminum silicate, calcium copper silicate  and chromium oxides. The safest blues and greens are copper salts. Copper-based pigments are considerably safer or more stable.
  • WHITE: lead carbonate, titanium dioxide, barium sulfate, or zinc oxide. Titanium oxides are one of the least reactive white pigments.”
  • VIOLET:  manganese  quinacridone,  and various aluminum salts.  Dioxazine and carbazole are the most stable purple pigments.”


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A Nuviderm Tattoo Removal Day Dream

August 25, 2009
Tattoo removal daydream?

Tattoo removal daydream?

Just apply the cream and your tattoo will be gone in 30 to 90 days depending on how often you apply the formula or which strength removal cream you purchased. It will no longer be  necessary to wait 3 to 6 months, or in the case of laser removal 12 months, before you can begin your removal. Just wait a week for the pigment injection “wounds” to heal a bit and you can begin removing your tattoo almost immediately.

Young men and women wishing to remove a tattoo so that they can join a branch of the U.S. military can remove the tattoo in 4 weeks, just in time to start basic training at their assigned base.

We young people sometimes make decisions that we wish we could change a week later and this new magical tattoo removal cream, yes I said cream, will allow those quick changes in the case of a regretted tattoo.

That young bride will be able to remove that big red heart with Johnny’s name written across it just in time for her wedding to Josh. After all what husband wants to see another mans’ name on his wifes’ butt? Same goes for that young groom to be. He can erase his  “Susie Forever” tattoo from his shoulder before the honeymoon. Sweet!  I said shoulder because what woman wants her name on her boyfriend/husbands butt?  Men, on the other hand like seeing their name on any womans’ butt.

Of course nothing is perfect, the price you pay to get rid of a tattoo in 30 days will be expensive, but there will be little or no pain involved and no chance of minor scar tissue…none.

Ok…time to wake up because we still live in the present and that stuff just doesn’t exist yet, but someday…

Until then if you’re short on cash but need a good tattoo remover just go to It’s the easy, effective and affordable way to tattoo removal.


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Doctors approve of TCA

August 10, 2009

TCA Tattoo Removal in Process

TCA Tattoo Removal in Process

When you’re dealing with human skin tissue, it’s comforting to know that medical professionals approve of whatever it is you’re about to rub into it.

One of the reasons we created Nuviderm to begin with is because the active ingredient in the product has the blessing of medical professionals the world over.

In fact, doctors and dermatologists use products just like Nuviderm to treat patients with scars, wrinkles and more. They use it because it’s safe and effective.

Of course, you don’t have to be a doctor to buy or use Nuviderm because no prescription is required.

It’s really the only doctor-approved do-it-yourself tattoo removal solution  recommended.

Every order comes with complete and easy-to-follow instructions. Just mix up a batch using our concentrated formula and you’re good to go.

If you really are serious about parting ways with your tattoos, and you either want to do it yourself, or save a great deal of money by pre-fading your tattoo before undergoing laser treatment, Nuviderm really is your best alternative.

Try it and in just 6 to 10 treatment cycles you could be the proud ex-owner of a tattoo.


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Nuviderm Questions

November 21, 2008

I have seen some other blogs out there talking about nuviderm and and fielding questions regarding application instructions. I would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have about nuviderm and walk you through the application process. Remember, you can also visit us at

our first post

November 6, 2008

How exciting! We have an official blog for our tattoo removal product! Nuviderm TCA was created to help individuals who have had tattoos and for whatever reason…becoming a new mother or wanting a fresh start to a career or life, decide they no longer want their tattoo. Nuviderm has a safe product that can fade and completely remove a tattoo. When used correctly, Nuviderm, can help anyone who wishes to no longer wear their past on their skin.

We will share our stories with you, give you updates on the latest trends in tattoo removal systems and answer any questions you may have about our product. We look forward to blogging with you!

Would love to chat

November 6, 2008

If there is anyone out there interested in using nuviderm or has any questions regarding tattoo removal in general I would love to hear from you. The goal of this blog is to educate you with regards to tattoo removal options. I’m here to help – let’s get a good conversation going!