Posts Tagged ‘tattoo regret’

Tattoos and Summer Holidays

September 3, 2009
Good Tattoo Location

Good Tattoo Location

Here it is early September and next Monday will be the first Monday of September, traditionally celebrated as Labor Day. It signals the end of summer and getting back into a regular routine, whatever that may be for you.  There will be friends over, firing up the grill, having a few beers and maybe even a tattoo for those so inclined.

If you’re thinking of getting a tattoo make sure it is something you like, something you love, because it will be there when you go to your grave unless you decide on a tattoo removal at some point.

Make sure it is in a location you can live with. If you think you want a tattoo, are not quite sure, but are going to have  one planted anyway be sure to put it somewhere that is easily covered with clothing, including short sleeve shirts and shorts. That way if you later develop a case of tattoo regret at least no one, other than those who see you shirtless or pant less, will be able to see the thing.

Take the advice from someone who’s been there. You can express a certain feeling or a specific expression of individuality in a private location and receive just as much satisfaction knowing it’s there without the whole world seeing it.

If at some point you want a tattoo removal then no one will know about that either.

It’s a win/win in my book and those are the best kind.

Nuviderm review of the preceding …. 2 thumbs up!

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Nuviderm Reviews – Tattoo Pigments

August 23, 2009
Nuviderm reviews - tattoo pigment (cadmium) tanned leather ready to make moccasins

Nuviderm reviews - tattoo pigment (cadmium) tanned leather ready to make moccasins

Iron oxides, carbon, magnetite crystals, powdered jet, wustite, bone black and amorphous carbon from combustion ( soot).

Those are just a few of the procucts  used to make black tattoo pigment. How does it feel knowing the black in your tattoo is plain old soot, possibly scraped off the inside of some guys’ chimney or even the lid of his Weber Barbeque grill. Who knows?

Maybe that’s why black is the easiest color for a laser to remove – use enough heat and soot will vaporize and what doesn’t vaporize will be  carried off to the nearest lymph node for a long nap.

When you actually sit down and study the make up of tattoo pigments it’s a wonder more people don’t get sick or die from something related to the pigment they just had injected into their body.

Chromium oxide, malachite, ferrocyanides, ferricyanides, lead chromate, copper/aluminum phthalacyanine or just plain old copper phthalocyanine. These are the minerals(?) and chemicals(?) under your skin if you have green in your tattoo. I’m not a chemist or a geologist, but some of these greens sound dangerous. Cyanide I know is a poison, but  when combined with iron (ferro) it becomes non toxic. It just makes it more likely that you’ll set off the alarm at the airport when you walk through the metal detector.

I could go on with iron oxide (red), chromium oxides (blue), zinc oxide (white) and many others but I have other stuff to do today – I can’t sit here listing every pigment ingredient you have in you.

For your next tattoo, out of curiosity, ask the artist what he/she is about to inject in you. They probably don’t know or care, it’s the medium used in their art and you just provide the canvas.

So the next time you head off to your favorite tattoo parlor and are considering adding a bit of yellow to that tattoo just realize that one of the minerals used to create yellow, cadmium, is also used to make batteries – you know,  Ni-Cd (nickel-cadmium) batteries and until the mid 1900’s cadmium was used primarily as a leather tanning agent. I guess you could have the bottoms of your feet tattooed with cadmium and have the first pair of  built  in human hide mocassins and never have to worry about having holes in the  soles of your shoes.

Seriously though folks, not all tattoo pigment is bad and there is some bad stuff out there so don’t be affraid to ask questions, after all you’ll be the walking billboard for the body art someone draws on you.

If you get tired of looking at that art work you can always buy some Nuviderm tattoo remover to wipe the canvas clean or to prepare it for that sodium aluminum silicate (blue) coverup.



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Tattoo Removal Can’t Be Wished Away

August 20, 2009

Tattoo Removal Can't be Wished Away

Tattoo Removal Can't be Wished Away

If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.”

It’s a lot easier to get a tattoo than it is to get rid of one. I wish that wasn’t the case, but that’s just the way it is.

Remember how excited you were when you came home with your new ink? You couldn’t wait to show it to your friends. You talked about it; you told everyone how much it did or didn’t hurt. Hey – you probably even recommended your new found tattoo artist to everyone you knew.

Life was good with your new tattoo. You felt special. But now the “shiny” has warn off and, for whatever reason, it’s time to say “bye bye” to that cute rose, dove, cross, your ex’s name, or whatever.

Now you’re not so excited. Maybe you’re even a little scared or confused.

You’ve heard good, bad and horror stories about tattoo removal.

There are so many options.

Everything seems so expensive.

People tell you that having a tattoo removed hurts more than when you first got it.

Well here’s some good news…

I’m going to put a little excitement back into your life because I’m going to lay bare one of the good tattoo removal options.

Nuviderm, it really works. You need patience and persistence , but that’s true of any product that actually removes tattoo ink.

And for all those  tattoo removal creams that don’t remove ink you reallllly need patience because that ink will still be there 1000 years after you’re dead and your body is dug up by some future archeologists as they study  past civilizations.

Use Nuviderm tattoo remover.

You’ll be excited about not having a tattoo anymore. You won’t be able to wait to show your friends where it used to be. You’ll tell everyone how much it did or didn’t hurt. And hey – you’ll probably even recommend your new found tattoo removal procedure to everyone you know!

Just like the old days, eh?

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Nuviderm Review – Permanent Makeup

August 8, 2009

Be sure you want it, it's there to stay.

Be sure you want it, it's there to stay.

Micropigmentation, or permanent makeup, is a brand new concept that is taking the world by storm. Not!

Egyptian mummies have been found with permanent makeup, so it’s been around for a while. And if traces of permanent makeup still exist on ancient mummies, how long is yours going to be part of your life? (Hint: The key word here is permanent.)

Thinking about permanent makeup? Think about this…

  1. It’s permanent. If it turns out you hate how you look, or you decide that last year’s makeup style is history and you want a new look, you’re out of luck.

  2. What you are really getting are tattoos of your lips and eyes. Painful to apply, and very difficult to remove. How do you feel about having someone burning off layers of your eyelids with a laser?

  3. Chemical tattoo removal, the easiest way to remove tattoos according to many tattoo removal experts, should’nt be used on the eyes.

  4. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued an alert warning people of 50 potentially adverse effects of permanent makeup including swelling, cracking, peeling, blistering, and disfigurement.

  5. Some people report scaring that suddenly appears years after the procedure.

With all of the risks involved, and knowing that permanent makeup tattoo removal may be difficulty, expensive, painful or impossible, women are cautioned to think seriously before taking the permanent makeup plunge.


Here’s how Nuviderm works…

August 5, 2009



Nuviderm is the result of a six year study by two British cosmetic surgeons looking for a safe and effective alternative to painful and expensive tattoo removal techniques.

After monitoring the results of nearly 900 male and female study participants, the doctors determined that the active ingredient in Nuviderm represented that safe and effective alternative they were seeking.

It removes layers of skin until the layers where the pigments reside has been reached. Then it continues working on those layers until the tattoo is either completely removed or significantly faded.

Chemically removing layers of skin is a common and accepted practice for treating skin scars and other blemishes. It’s not “mad science” and it is so safe that you can do it yourself.

You can expect to need 6 – 10 treatment cycles with each cycle lasting 3 to 6 weeks. This compares favorably to the much more expensive and very painful laser tattoo removal procedures requiring multiple 6 to 8 week treatment cycles.

When your order of  Nuviderm arrives, the package will also contain complete and easy-to-follow usage instructions so you can immediately begin the process.

Learn more about the Nuviderm process here.


Nuviderm Review : A co worker of my Mom’s just raved about Nuviderm. I hope that I get the same results as them.
Mary B


Thanks for the compliment on Nuviderm, your results should be just as good.

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Regrets? You’ve Probably Had a Few…

August 4, 2009

Crossing it out doesn't solve the problem

Crossing it out doesn't solve the problem

…and that tattoo you got might just be one of them. If the pride of “ownership” you felt when you first got inked is starting to fade, but your tattoo isn’t, there are really only a handful of options.

Laser treatment is a popular choice. The biggest downside is the cost. On average you can expect to pay ten times the cost of the tattoo to have it removed by laser.

Dermabrasion involves grinding the tattoo off with an electric sander. Sure, it’s a medical sander, but it’s kind of weird anyway. Plus the process frequently leaves scars.

Surgical removal is another option, but it can require skin grafts and there are always stitches to deal with. After all, it’s surgery.

Chemical removal is another popular choice. The old technology involved harsh bleaching agents. Today, doctors and dermatologists use products like Nuviderm, which contains trichloroacetic acid (TCA), to remove fine lines and scars from the skin. Now Nuviderm is being successfully used to fade or remove tattoos as well.

The best part about using Nuviderm is it’s available without a prescription so you can buy it and do your own tattoo removal.

If you’re thinking it’s time for you and your ink to part company, try Nuviderm first. It’s the and least expensive option.


I didn’t know if this stuff would work, but Nuviderm is making a big difference on my ex’s name which makes my current wife very happy.
Muchos gracias amigos.

Robert S.
Austin, Tx

Robert, thanks for the great Nuviderm Review



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