Posts Tagged ‘trust nuviderm’

Nuviderm Tattoo Removal – Useful Tips

January 5, 2010
Nuviderm tattoo removal helpful_tips banner

Nuviderm tattoo removal helpful tips

Nuviderm Tattoo Removal is a liquid concentrate of a tattoo removal product that must be diluted, it should not be used straight out of the bottle. With each purchase is a precise set of instructions that explains the dilution process and how to tell when you have found the proper strength for you skin type.

Since Nuviderm home tattoo removal is a liquid it can drip or run from the area of the tattoo once it has been applied to the skin. One way to prevent “runners” is to apply a “barrier” around the area to be treated using a product such as Vaseline or any other skin lotion that covers the skin and will have a repelling effect so that any runners do not come in to contact with the skin.

Here’s an example. Say you have a tattoo on your arm between your elbow and your shoulder and you are sitting or standing when you apply Nuviderm to the tattoo you want to remove. There is a good chance the Nuviderm solution you apply will try to run down your arm. To prevent the Nuviderm solution from coming into contact with skin below the tattoo, apply the Vaseline or skin lotion below the tattoo in about a 2 inch wide swath which will protect the skin and prevent it from being affected in the removal process.

If you are removing a tattoo on your back or other location that requires that you lay on the floor or a bed while someone else applies the Nuviderm solution, have them completely encircle the tattoo with the Vaseline or lotion making sure they stay at least a quarter inch outside the area to be treated. If the Vaseline or lotion gets into the area to be treated it will prevent Nuviderm from having the desired effect on the tattoo, so be careful when applying the barrier coat.

Once the Nuviderm has had the desired effect as described in the directions, apply a previously mixed solution of baking soda and water to the treated area to instantly neutralize the Nuviderm solution. The baking soda solution should not be so thick that it is difficult to apply, but not so thin that it runs off the treated area, it needs to stay where you place it. Leave the mixture on for 2 or 3 minutes and rinse or wipe off. The baking soda mixture will be very soothing and ensure an even depth for the tattoo removal treatment.

Nuviderm is a cosmetic acid used hundreds of times every day by Doctors, health spas and individuals for various cosmetic reasons. It is also used to remove warts, stretch marks and other medically related treatments, sometimes in a Doctors office and sometimes as an at home remedy.

Even though the active ingredient in Nuviderm does not require a prescription it is always prudent to read and follow instructions carefully. If the instructions are not clear and easy  to understand, call or email for clarification. Any product powerful enough to remove tattoo ink should be taken seriously.

Nuviderm works and has a 92% satisfaction rate and a tattoo removal cost that is one of the lowest of all tattoo removal options. It has a track record and can be trusted to issue a refund to anyone dissatisfied with the product for whatever reason as long as they follow the easy to read and understand  refund instructions listed under the Guarantee tab of the website navigation links.

Trust Nuviderm – it works.

Nuviderm Home Tattoo Removal – The Correct Method

September 29, 2009

Follow instructions for proper results- for tanning beds and tattoo removal

Follow instructions for proper results- for tanning beds and tattoo removal

OK. You’ve done your homework and you’ve reached the conclusion that Nuviderm is the right product for your tattoo removal.

You place your order, wait 4 or 5  days, and it arrives.  You tear open the package, read the instructions, and begin your treatment.

You wake up the next morning and, hey wait a minute, that tattoo is still there!?!

First thing you should do is sit down and re-read the instructions.

OK, it takes anywhere up to 8 – 12 or more treatment sessions to fade or remove your tattoo. You calm down and continue your treatment program.

That brings us to the photo of the tanning bed.

If used improperly the UV rays emitted by a simple tanning bed can have the same detrimental effects on your skin as real sunlight.  Sporadic use will not have the desired effect and to frequent use can be harsh to the skin. The same is true with Nuviderm.

It often requires 8 to 12 or even 14 treatments for large tattoos before the ink is gone or radically faded. Read the instructions. Do people really believe that a deeply embedded tattoo will just disappear without any effort? After all it was meant to be PERMANENT which would indicate that it will not be easy to remove.

Or you could change to a tattoo cream, pay hundreds more and never rid yourself of that tattoo.

Now you’ve gone through 5 or 6 treatments and you’re not satisfied for some reason. Out of luck? Nope!

We believe so much in Nuviderm that we offer a 6 month Money-Back Guarantee. You can read about it right here.

We’re serious about tattoo removal and we know you are too. As professional tattoo removal specialists, we’re thoroughly familiar with all of today’s options. We offer Nuviderm because we know it works.

Nuviderm isn’t perfect, but there are 2 alternatives to removal – very painful and much, much more expensive laser or easy to use, refreshing on the skin but basically worthless tattoo cream. We give you an effective compromise between the two.

The choice is yours…choose wisely.

But don’t take my word for it. Find out for yourself, risk free. Order today.

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Nuviderm Tattoo Removal Process

September 8, 2009
Medical study proves active ingredients in Nuviderm effective at removing tattoos

Medical study proves active ingredients in Nuviderm effective at removing tattoos

The Nuviderm tattoo removal process was developed as the result of a six year study by two English Plastic Surgeons looking for a safer, effective and more affordable alternative to painful and expensive tattoo removal techniques in use during the time period from the end of World War II and the mid 1970’s.

After observing the results of 670 male and female study participants, the doctors determined that the active ingredient in Nuviderm represented that safe and effective alternative they were seeking.

Over time Nuviderm removes thin layers of the epidermis until it reaches the dermis ( 2nd layer of skin) where the tattoo pigment was deposited and slowly begins to remove the ink. It continues working on that layer until the tattoo is either completely removed or significantly faded.

Chemically removing layers of skin is a common and accepted practice used for facial peels, treating skin scars and other blemishes. This is commonly accepted science and it is so safe that you can do it yourself.

You can expect to need 6 – 10 treatment cycles with each cycle lasting 3 to 6 weeks. This compares favorably to painful laser tattoo removal procedures requiring several treatments over multiple 6 to 8 week treatment cycles.

Each order of Nuviderm also contains complete and easy-to-follow usage instructions so you can immediately begin the process.


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Nuviderm, Nuviderm and Nuviderm

August 29, 2009
A true tattoo removal blog - No BS

A true tattoo removal blog - No BS


I don’t have a lot to say at this moment, I just finished up the Monday blog post and it is good. The artwork, the content are all very, very interesting so don’t miss it. It is entertaining as well as informative and has much information on tattoo removal cream and how a tattoo removal cream would remove Homer Simpson once he got under your skin…in the form of a tattoo, that is.

So don’t forget Monday around 10:00 EST. You’re gonna like it.


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Nuviderm Reviews – Tattoo Pigments -Part 2

August 26, 2009

Nuviderm reviews tattoo pigments  - a solid waiting for the liquid "carrier"

Nuviderm reviews tattoo pigments - a solid waiting for the liquid "carrier"

Have you ever noticed that not one single company that markets a tattoo removal product ever mentions what tattoo pigments are actually composed of ? Could it be that they know their product will not remove these pigments and therefore  don’t want to bring up the subject?

Here is something all women can relate to – how the new fingernail polishes, when correctly applied, can last a very long time and require finger nail polish remover (acetone), which is a powerful solvent, to remove the paint pigment? Sure, the finger nail paint may chip or scratch ,but if left alone it would be there for a very long time.

You may have guessed where this is going – the pigments in fingernail polish and tattoo ink are sometimes made of the same thing. Epoxy finger nail polishes are a form of plastic and many tattoo pigments are a plastic base held in liquid suspension for easy injection into the skin. Plastic tattoo pigments have become popular because of their vibrancy under the skin and resistance to fading by sunlight.

Do you think rubbing a tattoo removal cream on your fingernail polish would remove or even dull the finish? Heck no, wouldn’t happen unless the cream had a grit in it and then you are basically slowly sanding the paint off. It would still take quite a while to remove the old paint before you could put on a fresh coat.

The same goes with rubbing tattoo removal cream on your skin to remove tattoo pigment that is deposited BELOW your skin. For the cream to work you must also exfoliate with a gritty cream or use an exfoliation pad or a powered exfoliate of some kind. The exfoliate does the work while the cream may work to fade only your skin pigment – not tattoo pigment.

As I’ve heard said before, you could just skip the cream and simply exfoliate until the tattoo pigment begins to fade and that will take a very long time, longer than Laser,IPL or Nuviderm. As a matter of fact you’ll have several birthdays before you’ve accomplished you goal.

Below is a list of common tattoo pigments, many of the same pigments used in house paint, car paint and yes, fingernail polish.  After you read the list ask yourself how a tattoo fade cream could remove iron oxide, cadmium oxide, copper, aluminum silicate,  titanium oxide or any of the other minerals and chemicals on the list. Even laser and IPL have a hard time removing the whites, blues and greens, but Nuviderm can remove them all because it is a chemical peel, plus it costs hundreds maybe thousands of dollars less than laser or ipl.

Visit for more information.

The Composition of  Common  Tattoo Pigments

  • RED:  cadmium red, iron oxide, or napthol. “Iron oxide is also known as common rust. Cadmium pigments are highly toxic. Fewer reactions have been reported with naphthol red than the other pigments.
  • BLACK:  of iron oxides, carbon. Magnetite crystals, powdered jet and soot. Black pigment is commonly made into India ink. Logwood, found in Central America and the West Indies.”

  • GREEN: chromium oxide , Malachite, Ferrocyanides, Ferricyanides,  Monoazo pigment, Cu/Al phthalocyanine, or Cu phthalocyanine.
  • YELLOW: made of cadmium yellow, ochres, chrome yellow, or disazodiarylide. Reactions are commonly associated with yellow pigments because more pigment is needed to achieve  bright color.”
  • BROWNS: made of ochre. Ochre is composed of iron  oxides mixed and clay.  When dehydrated , ochre changes to a reddish color.”
  • ORANGE: made of disazodiarylide, disazopyrazolone, or cadmium seleno-sulfide.
  • BLUE: cobalt blue, or Cu-phtalocyanine. Blue pigments from minerals include copper  carbonate , sodium aluminum silicate, calcium copper silicate  and chromium oxides. The safest blues and greens are copper salts. Copper-based pigments are considerably safer or more stable.
  • WHITE: lead carbonate, titanium dioxide, barium sulfate, or zinc oxide. Titanium oxides are one of the least reactive white pigments.”
  • VIOLET:  manganese  quinacridone,  and various aluminum salts.  Dioxazine and carbazole are the most stable purple pigments.”


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Nuviderm Reviews – Tattoo Pigments

August 23, 2009
Nuviderm reviews - tattoo pigment (cadmium) tanned leather ready to make moccasins

Nuviderm reviews - tattoo pigment (cadmium) tanned leather ready to make moccasins

Iron oxides, carbon, magnetite crystals, powdered jet, wustite, bone black and amorphous carbon from combustion ( soot).

Those are just a few of the procucts  used to make black tattoo pigment. How does it feel knowing the black in your tattoo is plain old soot, possibly scraped off the inside of some guys’ chimney or even the lid of his Weber Barbeque grill. Who knows?

Maybe that’s why black is the easiest color for a laser to remove – use enough heat and soot will vaporize and what doesn’t vaporize will be  carried off to the nearest lymph node for a long nap.

When you actually sit down and study the make up of tattoo pigments it’s a wonder more people don’t get sick or die from something related to the pigment they just had injected into their body.

Chromium oxide, malachite, ferrocyanides, ferricyanides, lead chromate, copper/aluminum phthalacyanine or just plain old copper phthalocyanine. These are the minerals(?) and chemicals(?) under your skin if you have green in your tattoo. I’m not a chemist or a geologist, but some of these greens sound dangerous. Cyanide I know is a poison, but  when combined with iron (ferro) it becomes non toxic. It just makes it more likely that you’ll set off the alarm at the airport when you walk through the metal detector.

I could go on with iron oxide (red), chromium oxides (blue), zinc oxide (white) and many others but I have other stuff to do today – I can’t sit here listing every pigment ingredient you have in you.

For your next tattoo, out of curiosity, ask the artist what he/she is about to inject in you. They probably don’t know or care, it’s the medium used in their art and you just provide the canvas.

So the next time you head off to your favorite tattoo parlor and are considering adding a bit of yellow to that tattoo just realize that one of the minerals used to create yellow, cadmium, is also used to make batteries – you know,  Ni-Cd (nickel-cadmium) batteries and until the mid 1900’s cadmium was used primarily as a leather tanning agent. I guess you could have the bottoms of your feet tattooed with cadmium and have the first pair of  built  in human hide mocassins and never have to worry about having holes in the  soles of your shoes.

Seriously though folks, not all tattoo pigment is bad and there is some bad stuff out there so don’t be affraid to ask questions, after all you’ll be the walking billboard for the body art someone draws on you.

If you get tired of looking at that art work you can always buy some Nuviderm tattoo remover to wipe the canvas clean or to prepare it for that sodium aluminum silicate (blue) coverup.



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Nuviderm Reviews State of the Art Tattoo Removal

August 17, 2009

Nuviderm Reviews, Nuviderm Tattoo Removal, Nuviderm, Trust Nuviderm, Buy Nuviderm

Nuviderm Reviews, Nuviderm Tattoo Removal, Nuviderm, Trust Nuviderm, Buy Nuviderm

Nuviderm reviews state of  the art tattoo removal.

If you are considering going to a laser tattoo removal specialist, make sure that he or she is using current laser technology like these:

  • Affinity QS-Q Switch 532nm/1064nm
  • MedLite/RevLite – Q Switch 532nm/1064nm
  • Accolade – Q Switch 755nm

The preferred choice is the Affinity QS. It emits laser light in two wavelengths. The lower 532 nm wavelength is used to remove red, orange, pink and most light ink colors.

In order to remove black, dark blue, brown, and other dark colors, your tattoo removal specialist will use the 1064 nm wavelength. If the specialist you’re considering does not have a laser capable of handling all of the ink colors in your tattoo, find one who does.

Laser Tattoo Removal Pros

  • Laser technology has improved which has boosted success rates.
  • Most laser tattoo removal specialists are well-trained in both technical and safety procedures, thereby lowering the risk of a botched job.

Laser Tattoo Removal Cons

  • Laser tattoo removal is expensive. Sessions can run $300 or more and multiple sessions are required.
  • Scarring, burning and blistering are common. The procedure is painful. Don’t let anyone fool you.
  • Infections are common

Laser Tattoo Removal Alternatives

  • Dermabrasion/Salabrasion
  • Excision
  • Tattoo Removal Creams
  • Nuviderm- (Chemical Removal)

Before deciding upon laser tattoo removal, make sure you thoroughly understand the risks as well as the alternate technologies available.


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