Posts Tagged ‘tattoo removal cost’

Nuviderm Tattoo Removal – Useful Tips

January 5, 2010
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Nuviderm tattoo removal helpful tips

Nuviderm Tattoo Removal is a liquid concentrate of a tattoo removal product that must be diluted, it should not be used straight out of the bottle. With each purchase is a precise set of instructions that explains the dilution process and how to tell when you have found the proper strength for you skin type.

Since Nuviderm home tattoo removal is a liquid it can drip or run from the area of the tattoo once it has been applied to the skin. One way to prevent “runners” is to apply a “barrier” around the area to be treated using a product such as Vaseline or any other skin lotion that covers the skin and will have a repelling effect so that any runners do not come in to contact with the skin.

Here’s an example. Say you have a tattoo on your arm between your elbow and your shoulder and you are sitting or standing when you apply Nuviderm to the tattoo you want to remove. There is a good chance the Nuviderm solution you apply will try to run down your arm. To prevent the Nuviderm solution from coming into contact with skin below the tattoo, apply the Vaseline or skin lotion below the tattoo in about a 2 inch wide swath which will protect the skin and prevent it from being affected in the removal process.

If you are removing a tattoo on your back or other location that requires that you lay on the floor or a bed while someone else applies the Nuviderm solution, have them completely encircle the tattoo with the Vaseline or lotion making sure they stay at least a quarter inch outside the area to be treated. If the Vaseline or lotion gets into the area to be treated it will prevent Nuviderm from having the desired effect on the tattoo, so be careful when applying the barrier coat.

Once the Nuviderm has had the desired effect as described in the directions, apply a previously mixed solution of baking soda and water to the treated area to instantly neutralize the Nuviderm solution. The baking soda solution should not be so thick that it is difficult to apply, but not so thin that it runs off the treated area, it needs to stay where you place it. Leave the mixture on for 2 or 3 minutes and rinse or wipe off. The baking soda mixture will be very soothing and ensure an even depth for the tattoo removal treatment.

Nuviderm is a cosmetic acid used hundreds of times every day by Doctors, health spas and individuals for various cosmetic reasons. It is also used to remove warts, stretch marks and other medically related treatments, sometimes in a Doctors office and sometimes as an at home remedy.

Even though the active ingredient in Nuviderm does not require a prescription it is always prudent to read and follow instructions carefully. If the instructions are not clear and easy  to understand, call or email for clarification. Any product powerful enough to remove tattoo ink should be taken seriously.

Nuviderm works and has a 92% satisfaction rate and a tattoo removal cost that is one of the lowest of all tattoo removal options. It has a track record and can be trusted to issue a refund to anyone dissatisfied with the product for whatever reason as long as they follow the easy to read and understand  refund instructions listed under the Guarantee tab of the website navigation links.

Trust Nuviderm – it works.